Premium grade vanilla - Free Delivery in Thailand - Premium grade vanilla - Free Delivery in Thailand

Can Export Abroad, Nuts & Seeds, Sauces / Pastes / Cooking Ingredients
Thailand, Bangkok
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Mexican vanilla and Bourbon vanilla are from Thailand. The famous Bourbon vanilla is a blackish pod, up to 18 cm in length, with a very aromatic flavour. Mexican vanila is brownish in colour, larger and longer, up to 20 cm in length, it is also very flavourful and delicate.

Both are available from us, in Thailand, minimum order is 1 Kg, we ship vaccum sealed, internationally.

Tel. 06 4879 9536

Mexican vanilla and Bourbon vanilla available from Thailand. The famous Bourbon vanilla is a blackish pod, up to 18 cm in length, with a very aromatic flavour. Mexican vanila is brownish in colour, larger and longer, up to 20 cm in length, it is also very flavourful and delicate.

Both are available from us, in Thailand, minimum order is 1 Kg, we ship vaccum sealed, internationally.

Tel. 09 56 411 761

