Pickled cabbage, Pigeon brand

Fruits / Vegetables, Sauces / Pastes / Cooking Ingredients
Thailand, Chiang Mai
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Pigeon Brand: Over 60 years of love and care from generation to generation

Pigeon Brand Pickled Mustard Greens in 4 Flavors are now available at leading department stores nationwide and online. Easy to tear and easy to eat, with pickled mustard greens, Hua Nam Chai, sweet and spicy, or the new recipe with reduced sodium.

Specially selected sour pickled mustard greens (heart vegetable - cut into pieces) from Pigeon Brand comes with a perfect balance of deliciousness, perfectly balanced sourness, can be used in a variety of dishes, naturally marinated.

Easy to cook for many dishes, such as Stir-fried Pickled Mustard Greens (Hua Nam Chai) with Tofu, Three Crispy Salad, Three Flavors Pickled Mustard Greens, Pickled Mustard Greens and Shrimps Salad, Stir-fried Pickled Mustard Greens with Ginger and Spicy and Sweet, Pickled Mustard Greens Salad, etc. Every flavor is worth a try.

Today at leading department stores nationwide, distributor stores, and you can also choose to purchase through our various online channels.

